Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hear ye hear ye

If silence is golden, I prefer poverty.

I love listening to things - music, podcasts, news, conference. But what's filling my ears all depends on when and why and where I am. Here's what I'm listening to . . .

1-When I'm running: Coldplay and "You're the Voice" from Hotrod if it's short. 60-minutes podcast if I'm aiming long.
2- On an early Tuesday morning, driving to piano lessons: morning edition from NPR news.
3- When I'm doing the dishes: Norah Jones and Jack Johnson after a busy day. Regina Spektor and Ingrid Michaelson between classes.
4- On a Friday afternoon, in the car, one more thing to do before the weekend starts: I'm channel surfing the radio - and hating my i-pod-connector-less life! I'm sick of the news, and I'm feeling peppy. Chances are I find one or two good songs for every 20 minutes in the car.
5- While doing my hair, groggy in the early morning: A general conference talk, compliments of iTunes.
6-At 2 pm on a Wednesday: Something classical in my car - I typically don't like NPR's two o' clock program, Fresh Air.
7- When I'm driving home, tired, on a weeknight: Jazz on 90.1 FM.
8- On a rainy Saturday afternoon: the chillest thing I can find.
9- Before church on Sunday: Motab or BYU Singers.
10- Right now: a movie - with a crazy soundtrack.

What's on your playlist?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Autumn Sketches

I love November. Red, orange, cinnamon, scarves, pumpkin, sweaters, cocoa, stuffing. Falling leaves. Falling in love.

Grey clouds gather. And gathered they brood. Brooding, they darken and swirl and dance. Dancing they tremble and crack open wide, dumping their contents on holiday shoppers.

Snow in the forecast for this weekend!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Pretty Treat

Thanks for the strawberries and cottage cheese, McKay! Great husband.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I was driving in my car the other day, noticing how my once sparkling white teeth had been dimmed by months of drinking Diet Coke (thanks a lot, McKay). And I realized that I didn't care that much.

I never drank diet coke before I met McKay. In fact, I hated it. But now it's like a part of our relationship! We buy it by the case when it's on sale and store it between the fridge and stove, a tower of various diet coke flavors. Lime, Cherry, Vanilla, Caffeine Free, Caffeine full

Anyway, this little realization in the car got me thinking about other trade-offs in my life, and I did one of my favorite things; starting making a list! And here it the beginning of it:

I would trade dazzling white teeth for Diet Coke
I would trade a couple hours of sleep for a few extra rounds of cards with McKay
I would trade a perfect body for a some white grains and ice cream and fun every now and then
I would trade straight A's for spontaneous weekends with no homework

There's my first few. What are yours?